Switzerland, Geneva

If you feel that the 40hour working week is too L O N G, yet the 48 hour weekend is too short, then may I suggest that you #LiberateYourFuture by joining #GenerationEasyJet to see that it’s not always the case.

The I can’t wait to go generation.
The early riser for the morning cab, last minute packing, full of excitement generation.
The head first into water, wine or work generation.
The nip over, seal the deal, back for story time generation.
The walk until you’re lost, find a quaint spot, strangers become friends generation.
The we’ve been coming here for years, but still fall in love generation.
The I don’t want to go home, let’s stay longer generation.
The back at the office, staring out the window, let’s do it all again generation.
The everyone doing it their way generation.
The more places, more choices, more often generation.

I am Generation @EasyJet #weekendadvanture