Fare Share

Throughout MMC’s Volunteer Month, I traded emailing in the office for lifting in the warehouse. The idea was to save food and change lives.

Quite simply, Fareshare save good food destined for waste and send it to charities and community groups who transform it into nutritious meals for vulnerable people. The food that is redistributed is fresh, quality and in date surplus from the food industry and the charities which are supported can be found across the UK. I focussed my time in London, right in the heart of the local communities that surround our office. With 8.4 million people in the UK, (the equivalent of the entire population of London) struggling to afford to eat, this is a real concern for us all. Even more of a concern knowing that at least 270,000 tonnes of surplus food from the UK food and drink industry COULD be redistributed to feed people each year. This is enough for 650 million meals. For me, this was the very reason for signing up.