Ethopia’s Afar region is home to the Danakil Depression and it is the most unusual environment on the planet. This is not only because it is renowned as being the #HottestPlaceOnEarth but because it’s home to lava lakes, volcanoes, and colourful acidic springs. It’s also home to salt lakes where; each day nomadic salt miners grind away, by hand, under the extreme heat to extract this precious mineral. It’s an utterly beautiful, surreal yet hostile place. That said and despite the surrounding environment and the language barrier, this miner had nothing but patience as he allowed me to take his photo (and many more – see LinkInBio).
Today, right now the #AfarRegion, in Ethiopia, is reeling from the worst drought in the #HornOfAfrica in decades. Residents here are not only fleeing conflict but are being forced to use dirty water just to survive. Given my personal experience from the region and the fact that I have that #FridayFeeling I am 100% Happy to #DONATE this piece of #ARTFORFREE to you, including UK shipping, if you are prepared to make a donation of £500+ to a charity of your choice which is associated with the Afar region:
think #doctorswithoutborders #MedecinsSansFrontieres #UNHCR