Baby 1

As with all projects. It’s probably best if we start at the beginning and then move chronologically forward.

Therefore; This is me. Born ‘Nathaniel Samuel Emanuel Daniel’ on 16 May. Ok it wasn’t quite NSDE but rather ‘Nathaniel’ which then officially became ‘Nathan Samuel’ on my birth certificate .

The reference image for this piece was an old family #BabyPhoto taken in circa 1987.

This #DotFace effect – Halftone – has been a favourite of mine long before attending #WinchesterSchoolOfArt. This is not only because of its simplicity and effectiveness in conveying information. But rather because of its binary makeup (Black OR White) which CAN bring about tone (Greys). It however all depends on you, the viewer, and your relationship to the canvas. ie your #levelOfMagnification.

•Stand too close and you’ll only see dots.
•Stand too far away and you’ll miss the dots and only see the image.

The slight complexity here, on this piece, outside of simply using #Photoshop to simply convert the image to Colour Halftone is that I wanted absolute order across the canvas with individual dots (no overlaps) and for these dots to be at roughly equal intervals across the canvas. -photoshop doesn’t do this.

The downfall of such ordered restrictions is that if you only look for the face, then the cerebral beauty of simplicity of the dots is all but missed. This is because the face only really comes together at a distance. This relationship between ‘distance & expectation’ is akin to looking at a baby and expecting it to act as Adult. While it has everything which an Adult has, it is only a baby. But over time, these pockets of baby potential come together and its potential will be realised as an adult.

If you’re in the St. Albans area then come and see the work in the studio. #BetterinRealLife

We’re currently working a commission which is similar to this piece and I will share in a few weeks once complete.