Clearly this is Not ‘Love’. And that’s obvious right?
I mean you don’t look at your partner / kids in the morning and instantly think of this #PieceOfArt for that ‘LOVING’ feeling do you?
(Ok maybe you’re LOVING and pining towards the green overalls, sexyright! but that’s another story.)
For me, this is more of a homage to #RenéMagritte and his work #ThisIsNotAPipe. Obviously, it’s not a pipe. But I guess, and as with everything in life, it’s all about the assumptions which you make about the nature of reality, in YOUR life.
We have a series of these graphical explorations in to the various realities of our perceived life in the studio and I will share in the next few weeks.
These pieces are bit like #screenprinting but I’m not a #printmaker but more of a digital #sculpture maker. It’s therefore MDF painted with acrylic
60cm x 60cm