VLOG 2022, 011
December 17 2021
I have no idea what is going on? Do you?
26 September 2021
November 05 2021
Exit the EU and Back AGIAN in a Van
27 September 2021
26 October 2021
September 23 2021
October 18 2021 Watford : St Albans Walk
Kayaking Amsterdams Central Canals
Walking 100km in 24hrs. Amsterdam
December 2020
December 08 2021, Vlog
A simple drain of a washing machine
December 05 2020, Vlog
December 06 2021, Vlog
#fixing MiniDV tapes
December 6 2020, Vlog
Lofting about for Christmas
November 20 2020, Vlog
#Fullday Flying during corona times to discover that I (might) have an online shopping habit
November 10 2020, Vlog
November 08 2020, Vlog
November 07 2020, Vlog
Beaching around for sunset
November 06 2020, Vlog
A short sunset
Richard Serra-ing
November 04 2020, Vlog
#fullday Arting and beaching about in the Hague
November 02 2020, Vlog
November 01 2020, Vlog
October 31 2020, Vlog
#fullday Mooing with the cows in the Amsterdam woods
October 30 2020, Vlog
Project: CleanUp
October 29 2020, Vlog
October 28 2020, Vlog
#fullday starting with my fastest run then in to the city before playing supporting chef with some fish after some #middleclass problems.
September 28 2020, Vlog
October 27 2020, Vlog
October 26 2020, Vlog
October 18 2020, Portugal Vlog
#fullday Starting in Portugal and ending in Amsterdam
October 17 2020, Portugal Vlog
October 17 2020, Portugal Vlog
#fullday in Portugal
October 16 2020, Portugal Vlog
#fullday starting with a stunning sunrise and ending under a trillion stars
October 15 2020, Portugal, Vlog
October 14 2020, Portugal, Vlog
October 13 2020, Portugal, Vlog
#fullday in Portugal from arriving intoPorto and then driving south to Beja
October 12 2020, Portugal Vlog
October 11 2020, Vlog
#fullday BakeOff Mexican style
October 10 2020, Vlog
October 09 2020
#Fullday in Haarlem
October 05 2020, Vlog
#Fullday starting with a 10km run before heading to Haarlem
October 03 2020, Vlog
Rotterdam and a night when Pinocho comes for dinner
October 01 2020, Vlog
September 30 2020, Vlog
#fullday Sunrise and middle class problems before heading to the eye
September 29 2020, Vlog
September 26 2020, Vlog
Biking about as autumn approaches and so, a coat is needed.
September 25 2020, Vlog
Raining FOAM in Amsterdam
September 24 2020, Vlog
#FulldayBird watching, Het Schip Museum and Amsterdam School museum before some plane and train spotting #whathaveibecome
September 22 2020, Vlog
#fullday 13km run to Amsterdam centra for sunrise its then back for an online course and finally a BBQ and a sunset swim.
September 21 2020, Vlog
#Fullday Monday: 10km run before a series of online courses #Passed
September 20 2020, Vlog
#fulldaySunrise on the IJ in Amsterdam. it then bikes, bikes bikes, bikes and more bikes before some online learning and a read by the canal.
September 19 2020, Vlog
Beaching in Zandvoort
September 17 2020, Vlog
ChocoMilk for Lisse View Post
September 16 2020, Vlog
Sunrise on the IJ from NDSM
September 15 2020, Vlog
September 14 2020, Vlog
September 13 2020, Vlog
Beaching about for sunset
September 11 2020, Vlog
Bee’s birthday Triathlon: Run, Swim Cycle
September 10 2020, Vlog
a #fullday Vlog including Bee’s birthday breakfast, a Amsterdam city tour, museums and a Triathlon set up for tomorrow
September 09 2020, Vlog
Candle hacking for the birthday at midnight.
September 08 2020, Vlog
A #FULLDAY starting with a 40km morning cycle in the non-rain followed by a trip to the #AnneFrank museum, NDSM and finally through Amsterdam before work.
September 07 2020, Vlog
September 06 2020, Vlog
a Sunday concert followed by a 40km loop
September 5 2020, Vlog
September 2 2020, Vlog
Amsterdam time laps